Audiobooks are the next big thing. While I personally don’t often listen to them (they take too much concentration) I know of many other people who do. With that in mind, I decided that I would make an audiobook version of my book RESILIENT. I was fortunate enough to have a good friend who is a sound engineer and he graciously put in hours and hours of work to get my audiobook up to scratch. I am forever thankful for his help in getting my story out there.
Making an audiobook is harder than it sounds. I expected to just read my story into a microphone and be done with it. But it’s not that easy. Luckily I live alone so I have a quiet house. I made a makeshift recording studio in the basement by hanging blankets from the drop ceiling. It worked surprisingly well! At first I borrowed my friend’s microphone and planned to use that. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get it to work like I needed to, so I rented a mic from a local audio store called Long & McQuade. I tried both mics and several people agreed that the rental mic caught my voice better. Apparently different mics catch different sounds, who knew?
Emotionally, out of all the steps, I think recording the audiobook was probably the hardest part of creating the memoir. Reading my journals and medical records was extremely difficult, but for some reason saying my story out loud really hit home. Reading quietly felt like I could be reading someone else’s story, and saying it out loud really solidified that this is MY story. I went through this, I survived this, I am thriving despite this.